“Rinascere dalle Ceneri”

This work is a reaction to the global crisis, which is not only economical, but also energetic and moral. The art becomes an expression of a collective complaint and involves the viewer who helps the artist to transport the material on the site. The large nest will be burned, referring to the mythical figure of the Phoenix, which becomes a symbol of hope for a sustainable future.

〉 Ladin

Chësta opera é na reaziun ala crisa globala, nia ma economica, mo inće energetica y morala. L’ert vëgn insciö espresciun de na denunzia coletiva y tol ite le spetadù che dëida l’artista da fà sö la coa, portan material söl post. La gran coa gnarà spo borjada, tl referimënt ala figöra mitica dla Fenix, che devënta insciö simbol de speranza por n dagnì sostenibl.

〉 Italiano

Quest’opera è una reazione alla crisi globale, non solo economica, ma anche energetica e morale. L’arte diviene espres-sione di denuncia collettiva e coinvolge lo spettatore che aiuta l’artista nel trasporto del materiale sul sito. Il grande nido verrà bruciato, rifacendosi alla figura mitica della Fenice, che diviene simbolo di speranza per un futuro sostenibile. 

〉 Deutsch

Die Installation stellt uns nicht nur Fragen zur Weltwirtschaftskrise, sie regt auch Überlegungen an über die Zukunft der konventionellen Energien und die Wertedekadenz unserer modernen Gesellschaft. Das große Nest wird dann verbrannt werden und in dieser Andeutung an die mytische Figur von Phönix sollte Hoffnung erweckt werden für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung.

Corn (panoramic viewpoint in the heart of the area) - In folk tradition, "Corn" (horn) is the name given to the wooded hill located to the north of San Martin de Tor. "Corn" gives walkers a glorious view over all three towns: San Martin de Tor, Longiarü and Antermëia. As paradoxical as it may sound, "Corn" has always been both central and isolated, an untouchable giant that, if it could talk, would have a lot of stories to tell about the people and goods that have travelled across it over the course of the centuries.

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