SMACH is a public art project born in 2012. It is a biennial open air exhibition that represents the combination of “art and nature”, where the latter acts as the display of the artistic creations, designed and tailored specifically to various sites. It started from an international art competition that celebrates where the involved artists, staged their works in places of historical and cultural interests in Val Badia.
〉 Ladin
SMACH é n proiet de public art nasciü tl 2012. Al é na mostra bienala alaleria che rapresentëia la combinaziun de “ert y natöra”. Te chëst’ ultima vëgnel mostré creaziuns artistiches, proietades y adatades a puntin ales varies postaziuns. Döt pëia ia dan concurs d’ert internazional tl raiun dla Val Badia, olache i artisć selezioná mët fora sües operes te postaziuns d’interes storich-cultural.
Le proiet é dala nasciüda tres chersciü y tl 2018 él gnü metü en pé l’associaziun culturala non-profit SMACH, por garantí i obietifs dl proiet: le concurs bienal SMACH, la Val dl’Ert y evënc colaterai. Sües operes á le compit de descedé l’interes dla jënt por l’ert y de valorisé l’areal dolomitich. I artisc ó promöie i aspec storics, culturai y tradizionai dl raiun tres le dialogh tra ert y natöra.
〉 Italiano
SMACH è un progetto di public art nato nel 2012. È una mostra biennale all'aria aperta che rappresenta la combinazione di "arte e natura", in cui quest'ultima espone delle creazioni artistiche, progettate e adattate specificamente ai vari siti. Si parte da un concorso artistico internazionale dove gli artisti coinvolti, mettono in scena le loro opere in luoghi d’interesse storico-culturale nelle municipalità della Val Badia.
Il progetto è cresciuto sin dall’inizio e nel 2018 è stata fondata l'associazione culturale senza scopo di lucro SMACH per garantire gli obiettivi del progetto: il concorso artistico biennale SMACH, la valle dell'arte ed eventi collaterali. Le loro opere hanno lo scopo di innescare l'interesse della gente per l'arte e valorizzare l'area delle Dolomiti in cui sono immerse. Attraverso un dialogo tra arte e natura, gli artisti vogliono promuovere una coscienza approfondita e continua degli aspetti storici, culturali e tradizionali dell'area.
〉 Deutsch
SMACH ist ein Public-Art-Projekt, das im Jahr 2012 konzipiert wurde. Es ist eine Biennale-Freilichtausstellung, die die Kombination von Kunst und Natur darstellt, wobei letztere als Schauplatz der künstlerischen Kreationen dient, die speziell auf die verschiedenen Standorte zugeschnitten sind. Es beginnt mit einem internationalen Kunstwettbewerb, bei dem die beteiligten Künstler ihre Werke an Orten von historischem und kulturellem Interesse in den Städten Gadertals inszenieren.
Das Projekt ist seit Beginn stets gewachsen und 2018 wurde der gemeinnützige Kulturverein SMACH gegründet um die Ziele des Projektes zu gewährleisten: den zweijährigen Kunstwettbewerb SMACH, das Künstlertal und Nebenveranstaltungen. Ihre Kunstwerke haben das Ziel, das Interesse der Menschen für Kunst zu wecken und das Gebiet der Dolomiten, in denen sie liegen, zu kommunizieren. Durch einen Dialog zwischen Kunst und Natur möchten die Künstler ein umfassendes und fortlaufendes Bewusstsein für die historischen, kulturellen und traditionellen Aspekte der Region fördern.
Their artworks have the aim of sparking people's interest for art and enhancing the area of the Dolomites in which they are immersed. Through a dialogue between art and nature, the artists want to promote thorough and ongoing consciousness of the historical, cultural and traditional aspects of the area.
Since the beginning, the project is grown and in 2018, the non-profit cultural association SMACH was founded to warrant the project’s goals:
the biennial art competition
the art valley and
the cultural hub
Organs of the Association
The Assembly is the sovereign organ of the Association
Michael Moling is the acting president for the next three years.
The Board of Directors is invested with all the faculties necessary to administer the Association. The Board of Directors can carry out any action and take all the decisions for the achievement of the purposes set out in the satute. The Board is made up of: Maria Anvidalfarei, Alessia Clara, Loris Clara, Fabian Feichter, Adriana Ghimp, Michael Moling and Gustav Willeit (vice president).
The Scientific Committee (CS) is the think tank that joins the board of the ODV SMACH Association to ensure consistency between the objectives of the statute and the operational program already in progress or being defined. The CS also aims to promote new actions and stimulate the cultural activation and protagonism of citizenship. It does so by indicating the guidelines for innovation, replicability and sustainability of present and future processes and by deferring the monitoring and analysis of the final results. Furthermore, the CS will support the SMACH association's steering committee in the elaboration of project development proposals and will be able to act as an interface with the artistic-scientific community. The CS is made up of:
- Lois Anvidalfarei, artist
- Roberta Dapunt, poet
- Andrea Lerda, curator for contemporary art at the National Mountain Museum of Turin
- Katy Moling, curator and director of Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor
- Leander Moroder, director of the Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü
- Valeria Pica, art historian and museologist
- Sonia Tucci, archaeologist, scientific director of the Museo Civico Etrusco Romano di Trevignano Romano
In addition to the Biennale and the Art Park, the vision of SMACH. envisages a new third sub-project dedicated exclusively to the social value of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. This new objective is in line with the FARO Convention of 2020 and will be accompanied by the creation of a cultural heritage community of the Val Badia.
“Ralegrëiete, sce te storjes pro. Palsa, sce te restes chiló. Cunfórtete, sce te vas inant.” by artist Barbara Tavella, SMACH.2015