“I due papà di Bambi” 

This project was created to pay homage to the artistic career of the famous couple Gilbert & George, and in particular their works about sex discrimination they have pursued for their entire career. The sculpture is made of beeswax. The wooden table and the radio at the feet of the two deer are a direct quotation of the famous opera "singing sculpture.

〉 Ladin

Chësta istalaziun nasc por onorè le percurs artistich dl per conesciü Gilbert & George y ô inće rapresentè la descriminaziun sessuala che ai à dagnora messü tignì fora. La scultöra é realisada cun cëra de ês. La mësa de lëgn y le pice radio metü jö a pé di dui cerfs é na zitaziun dl’opera “singing sculpture“.

〉 Italiano

Questo progetto nasce per rendere omaggio al lungo percorso artistico della celebre coppia Gilbert & George e in particolare all’opera di discriminazione del sesso che hanno perseguito sin  dai loro esordi. La scultura è realizzata in cera d’api. Il tavolo in legno e a radiolina posta ai piedi dei due cervi sono una citazione diretta della celebre opera "singing sculpture".

〉 Deutsch

Das Projekt enstand als Hommage an das künstlerische Schaffen des Künstlerpaares Gilbert & George und sollte gleichzeitig auch die sexuelle Diskriminierung symbolisieren, die die beiden Künstler immer schon ertragen mussten. Die Skulptur besteht aus Bienenwachs. Der hölzerne Tisch und das kleine Radiogerät an den Füßen der beiden Hirsche deuten klar auf das famose Werk "singing sculpture" hin.

The birthplace of internationally renowned pop artist Gilbert Prousch (from the artist duo "Gilbert & George"), in the centre of San Martin de Tor - The artist Gilbert Prousch was born in this house, in the centre of San Martin de Tor, on the 17th of September 1943, exactly seventy years ago. Gilbert Prousch teamed up with British artist George Passmor to form the world's most famous artist duo, "Gilbert & George". The pop artist's link to his hometown has faded over the years. Only a single sculpture stands to mark the creative energy of his youth: his portrayal of the Madonna is still kept in San Martin de Tor. 

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