“Visioni del passato”

Where the individual memory flows into ones custody and treasure box collectively, there is the heart of the project of L. Munforti. Whether it's pastures and glaciers, peaks, logs, bark and lichens, the artist elaborates the different languages with a common denominator: Art and Nature must return to meet in a game of contrasts, opposites yet harmoneous, feeding off of each other without being exhausted.

〉 Ladin

Olache la Memoria individuala devënta n Scrin coletif, dailò él le cör dl proiet de Lorena Munforti. Ara po se tratè de pastöres y dlacias, de pizes, taies, scorzes y müstli, anfatć i... l’artista elaborëia lingac des- farënć che à la medema denominaziun: Ert y Natöra mëss indô se incuntè. Al é n jüch de contrasć, de contrars, de sintonies che se alimentëia tresfora zënza mai jì a piz. 

〉 Italiano

Laddove la Memoria individuale sfocia in Custodia e Scrigno collettivi, lì è il cuore del progetto di L. Munforti. Che si tratti di pascoli e ghia- cciai, di cime, tronchi, cortecce e licheni, l’artista elabora linguaggi diversi ma con un denominatore comune: Arte e Natura devono tornare a incontrarsi in un gioco di contrasti, opposti e sintonie che si alimentano tra loro, senza riuscire a esaurirsi.

〉 Deutsch

Das Herz des Projektes ist ohne Zweifel die Erinnerung eines Jeden, die in einer großen Truhe gesammelt und zusammen mit der Erinnerung der Anderen aufbewahrt wurde. Die Inhalte der Erinnerungen können verschieden sein, haben aber den gemeinsamen Nenner "Kunst und Natur". Die beiden Begriffe und Elemente sollen sich aufs Neue treffen, um das Spiel von Gegensätzen und Gemeinsamkeiten auszuführen.

Al Bagn Valdander (hot pools) - The baths complex, comprising a "country bath" with hot springs, a chapel and a building with more modern baths, dating from the '70s, stands 1,443 m above sea level on the road linking San Martin de Tor to Antermëia. The name "Valdander" comes from Val d'Anter, which means valley of the caverns: the water gushes in a limestone cave full of stalagmites and contains sulphur, carbon, iron sulphate, sulphuric acid, carbon dioxide, magnesium and potassium. It is one of the oldest baths in all of the Tyrol. The healing properties of the water are legendary and date from 1507 AC. The "Bagn" website gives an informative account of the hot pool therapy process: "You enter a pool made from Swiss stone pine wood filled with hot mineral water (38°C); a white linen towel is wrapped around your shoulders to stop the steam escaping. This is where the relaxation stage starts. After 15 minutes, more hot water is added and, after about half an hour, the water is drained, while you are left to relax in the pool's remaining steam. After leaving the pool slowly, you have a further half an hour to rest and unwind." 

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