
Not all those who visit the Dolomites, world heritage site, know that you are on what was once a coral reef. Small palms on the Peitlerkofel are an invitation to reflect and to explore the history of our planet.    

〉 Ladin

Nia düć i vijitadus dles Dolomites, patrimone mondial dla umanité, ne sa che inlaôta êl chilò n mer y na scoliera de corai. Les palmes sön Picia Pütia dess insciö ester n stimul por ponsè sura y por imparè a conësce damì la storia de nosc planët. 

〉 Italiano

Non tutti coloro che visitano le Dolomiti, patrimonio mondiale dell’umanità, sanno di trovarsi su quella che un tempo era una barriera corallina. Le palme sul Piccolo Putia sono un invito a riflettere e ad approfondire la storia del nostro pianeta. 

〉 Deutsch

Die wenigsten Besucher des Weltkulturerbes Dolomiten wissen, dass sie sich auf ehemaligen Korallenriffen befinden. Die Palmen auf dem kleinen Peitlerkofel regen daher zum Nachdenken über die Erdgeschichte an. 

Picia Pütia peak (2.813 m) - The nine components of the Dolomites world heritage property protect a series of highly distinctive mountain landscapes that are of exceptional natural beauty. The sublime, monumental and colourful landscapes of the Dolomites have also long attracted hosts of travellers and a history of scientific and artistic interpretations of its values. These are just a couple of passages taken from the UNESCO world heritage committee's declaration. Picia Pütia, or Little Pütia, has been chosen for SMACH as a point of reference and inspiration for an art project that encompasses the mountains, Alps and Dolomites.

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