“Wie auf Erden, so im Himmel, durch die Lüfte” 

The artist Henning hoisted a flag decorated with fragments of the sky. This visual element can be seen from afar and retrieves a way of communication between alpine pastures of an earlier era (the waving of sheets). This element is linked to an acoustic collage, of which the sounds are also relied to communication: you can hear tones that go from yodelling to phone conversations. With her work the artist approached the theme of borders by trying to cross them with the help of communication.

〉 Ladin

L’artista Henning mët sö na bandira decorada cun fragmënc dl cil. An po bele odëi dalunc chësc elemënt visif y al recorda les tecniches de comunicaziun da n iade tla regiun alpina (svatoré linzos). Chësc elemënt taca adöm cun n „collage“ acustich cun tonns che gnô/vëgn ince adorá da comuniché. An alda porchël segnai che va dal iodler cina a conversaziuns col zelular. L’artista á rapresenté l’argomënt di confins cun chësta sort d’esperimënc y pró da i superé.   

〉 Italiano

L’artista Henning issa una bandiera decorata con frammenti della volta celeste. Questo elemento visivo si scorge da lontano e richiama un accorgimento comunicativo fra le malghe di epoche passate (lo sventolare di lenzuola); esso è accompagnato da un collage di suoni, i quali si rifanno a tecniche di comunicazione usate nelle regioni alpine: si passa dallo Jodler, segnale canoro di antica tradizione, a suoni legati alla telefonia moderna. Il tema dei confini è quindi declinato sul versante della comunicazione atta a valicarli.        

〉 Deutsch

Die Künstlerin Henning hisst eine mit Himmelsfragmenten verzierte Fahne, welche von weitem sichtbar sein soll und dadurch einen Bezug auf ehemals in den Alpenregionen verwendete Kommunikationstechniken (das Wedeln von Leintüchern) aufbaut. Dieses Element wird mit einer akustischen Collage verknüpft, deren Töne ebenfalls zum Kommunizieren dien(t)en: so hört man Signale, welche vom Jodler bis zu Handygesprächen gehen. Die Künstlerin hat also das Thema der Grenzen durch solche Versuche dargestellt, dieselben zu überwinden.       

The birthplace of internationally renowned pop artist Gilbert Prousch (from the artist duo "Gilbert & George"), in the centre of San Martin de Tor - The artist Gilbert Prousch was born in this house, in the centre of San Martin de Tor, on the 17th of September 1943, exactly seventy years ago. Gilbert Prousch teamed up with British artist George Passmor to form the world's most famous artist duo, "Gilbert & George". The pop artist's link to his hometown has faded over the years. Only a single sculpture stands to mark the creative energy of his youth: his portrayal of the Madonna is still kept in San Martin de Tor. 

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