“Tra visibile ed invisibile” 

Valeria Ambi, together with Leo Carretti, Federico Grande and Federica Venier, has built a structure of metal pipes arranged in concentric octagons with an increasing radius. On this structure she has stretched out a set of coloured fabrics that recall the daily act of hanging laundry. Visitors can wander through the spaces that are created as a labyrinth, whose boundaries are unstable and dynamic. In this way the artist wants to explore the inconsistency and fugacity of the boundaries between the visible and the invisible, between two worlds, that may seem distant, but actually travel on parallel tracks.

〉 Ladin

Valeria Ambi, adöm cun Leo Carretti, Federico Grande y Federica Venier, á costruí na strotöra fata de ros de metal: otagonns conzentrics cun n radius che crësc a roda incër n punt zentral ia. Sön chësc gherist ára taché sö linzos da corú, sciöch’ sc’al foss blanćiaria metüda a d’assuié. Le vijitadú po viané danter chëstes lercs fora sciöch’ sc’al foss te n labirint dai confins labii y dinamics. Te chësta manira ó l’artista invié a esploré l’incostanza di confins danter ci ch’an vëiga y ci che an ne vëiga nia, danter dui monns, che se somëia ma dalunc mo che va, en realté, paralei un cun l’ater.

〉 Italiano

Valeria Ambi, assieme a Leo Carretti, Federico Grande e Federica Venier, ha costruito un assemblaggio di strutture in metallo disposte in ottagoni concentrici con raggio crescente. Su queste strutture ha fissato dei tessuti colorati che richiamano il gesto quotidiano dello stendere i panni. Il visitatore può vagare negli spazi che si creano come in un labirinto dai confini labili ed effimeri. In questo modo l’artista vuole far esplorare l’inconsistenza e fugacità dei confini tra il visibile e l’invisibile, fra due mondi, quindi, che solo in apparenza possono sembrare distanti, ma che in realtà viaggiano su binari paralleli.

〉 Deutsch

Valeria Ambi hat gemeinsam mit Leo Carretti, Federico Grande und Federica Venier, eine Struktur aus Metallröhren errichtet: konzentrische Achtecke kreisen mit sich vergrößerndem Radius um einen Mittelpunkt. Auf diesem Gerüst hat sie farbige Stoffe gespannt, als wären sie zum Trocknen aufgehängte Wäsche. Der Besucher kann durch diese „Räume“ wandern wie durch ein Labyrinth, dessen Grenzen labil und dynamisch sind. Auf diese Weise will die Künstlerin einladen, sich der Unbeständigkeit der Grenze zwischen Sichtbarem und Unsichtbarem klar zu werden, die nur scheinbar entfernte Gegebenheiten sind, in Wirklichkeit aber zueinander parallel verlaufen.

Picolin, the "Strada de la Vena" and the old bishop's forge in Alfur - Picolin is located between the old Val Badia road and the "Strada de la Vena", a route used to carry iron from Fursil to Val Badia in late-mediaeval times. Various historical buildings and the chapel dedicated to St Anthony stand as testimony to the importance of the place in terms of its strategic interest to the nobles and clergy. Above all, "Ćiasa dl Maier", once headquarters of the bishop's forge in Alfur, and the Alfur hamlet itself are of great historical interest. The new "Piz de Plaies" cableway base station was built along the road a few years ago, on the section between "Ćiasa dl Maier" and "Alfur".

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