“Pesce fuor d'acqua”

To fasten its installation, Luca Roncoroni uses a "favá", a traditional wooden rack which in the past was used for drying broad beans (“faus” in ladin, hence the etymology). Instead of legumes, the artist hangs stock fish. His biography is the intersection of two cultures; Ladin, the local culture, but also Norwegian, as the Italian emigrant has lived in Norway for years. With its installation, he attempts to create a connection between the two realities, though, quoting the words of the artist, he “remains a fish out of water”.

〉 Ladin

Luca Roncoroni tol n favá por ti dé strotöra a süa istalaziun, na costruziun de lëgn cun scalires da inlaota che gnô adorada, coche la etimologia nes cunta, da secé les faus. L’artist indere ne taca nia sö i cosi, mo na sort de pësc. Chësta incuntada danter döes cultures, la ladina dl post y la norvegeja, vá derevers a süa biografia, abitëia pö l’artist talian bele da dui agn tla Norvegia. Süa istalaziun ó porchël rapresenté n lian danter les döes realtés culturales, ince sce ël dij de se instës che al “resta n pësc fora d’ega”.   

〉 Italiano

Per fissare la sua installazione, Luca Roncoroni usa un “favá”, tradizionale struttura lignea a rastrelliera, che in passato veniva usata per l’essicazione delle fave (alle quali risale l’etimologia). Anziché i legumi, l’artista appende dello stoccafisso. L’incontro di due culture, quella locale ladina da una parte e dall’altra quella norvegese, ha a che fare con la sua biografia, dato che l’oriundo italiano vive da anni in Norvegia. Con la sua installazione cerca di creare una connessione tra le due realtà, anche se, queste le parole dell’artista, lui “resta un pesce fuor d’acqua”.

〉 Deutsch

Zur Befestigung seiner Installation verwendet Luca Roncoroni einen „favá“, eine traditionelle Holzhalterstruktur, die in der Vergangenheit zum Trocknen der Bohnen (ladinisch „faus“ und etymologisch daraus der „favá“) diente. Anstatt der Hülsenfrüchte hängt der Künstler Stockfische auf. Die Begegnung zweier Kulturen - einerseits die lokale ladinische Kultur und andererseits die norwegische Kultur - hat mit seiner Biografie zu tun, da der gebürtige Italiener seit Jahren in Norwegen wohnt. Mit seiner Installation versucht er eine Verbindung zwischen den beiden Realitäten herzustellen, auch wenn, nach den Worten des Künstlers, er „ein Fisch im Trockenem bleibt“.

Les Viles – Vila da Plans, Lungiarü - On the banks of the River Seres, set among the hamlets of Seres and Miscì, a number of old country mills have been restored and brought back to life. Once upon a time, they were vital to the work of the farmsteads and for preparing essential foods. However today the mills stand as testimony to a peasant culture that belongs to the past and to the country folk's resourcefulness and ability to survive. There are also various farmhouses that have stood the test of time well in the typical rural Ladin settlements, known as "Viles". The tourists visiting the Longiarü "Viles" in summer and autumn are pleasantly impressed, also by the wonderful view on the surroundigs. The itinerary also takes to the Lagoscel and Plans “Viles”. The Vila da Plans is to spot in a solitary and quiet place at 1350m.

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